Over the past decade, We've evolved from website, app and now to systems solutions, we've embraced 3D Interactive Learning. Learn more
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Corporate Identity | Logo Design

The perceptions of standard

Learn more on Our Design


Designed for Customers' Customers


Think of companies like Apple or Google or McDonald’s – each uses a simple representation that people around the world can identify with

Purpose and Positioning

Great identity clearly articulating your differentiation in the market. Corporate Identity communicate your unique value propositions to your customers.

Professional Typography

We have a library of the most promising corporate typefaces to distinctly illustrate different corporate needs.

Effective Communication

Every designs require communication, as clients know their business better

Simple but Innovative

More than just a design, it’s the imagination & idea.

  • Eye Catching
  • Uncompromise Resolution
  • Animatable Web Objects
  • Lasting Impression

Create and Enhance your corporate identity

“Know thyself.”
Consistent design identity and value proposition in all media.The consistency have a positive impact on corporate & brand identity, where consumers remember who you really are.

Designing for business & corporate since 2012.

Interested? Get a Quote

All questions, comments and feedback are always welcome.

Our Works


We are always open to interesting projects.

Reach Us

Phone: +6 016-888-0650 / +6 082-546-833
1207, Jalan Perbadanan, Pending Industrial Estate, 93450 Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia.

Business Hours

  • Mo - Fr: 9am to 6pm
  • Sa:   10am to 2pm

Additional info

MicroWeb operates primarily in Kuching, occasionally Kuala Lumpur and some cities in Malaysia. Web designers occasionally collaborate with teams from overseas.